
I think every photographer likes to take photos of the sunset. The sun is not just a distant planet, that provides us with some useful elements, such as light, warmth, and vitamin D, but its also a great artist. Whether you are in a crowded city, or if you lucky enough to live at the seaside, the sunset never fails to amaze us. With its vibrant and dynamic colours, watching the sunset can be a really calming and, for the soft-hearted, a very romantic experience. I think I am pretty lucky with where I live, in the outskirts of a busy city, and on the top of a hill. This provides me with a spectacular view, and without having to go out, finding a good spot, I can simply open my window, and take photos of the sunset. 

I attached a gallery of my latest sunset photos, some of them was taken with my mobile. The photos with the trees on them, were taken from my room.